Monday, October 13, 2014

Ramblings 13/10/2014

I woke early...thinking about my diary post the other day and also praying for my brother as it was his first day of treatment.

In my efforts to not write too much each day...only so much you can take of my ramblings lol, I write just what's on my heart for that moment. It occurred to me that my confession to finding the adjustment to the Catholic Church tricky and feeling lonely as I left my evangelical Church could have been misconstrued.

So today it's on my heart to set the record straight...I've enjoyed 25 glorious, loving, fellowship years with my wonderful church family. They have supported us, walked with us, and ahead of us, laughed, cried and loved us through good times and bad. Glendale is an awesome church.

For 6 years I felt The Lord ask me to become a Catholic...but because I couldn't imagine leaving my family, I dug my heels in and ignored His call, until I could not hold out any longer. The Pope is incredibly evangelical and has a beautiful feels like Jesus is helping us all to be as one body..thus moving us all around to 'blend' together...United in His Love ..through The Grace of His Holy Spirit.

However it was never going to be an easy transition...which is what I was sharing the other today I wanted to clarify that I had not left because anyone had upset me, but it was from within...feeling insecure and the devil zapping me with doubt.

My brother Dave text me from the hospital, his chemo had begun...6 and a half hours on a drip...saline flush, chemo, then flush again...he sounded chirpy and relaxed...everyone was lovely and apparently his favourite person was the tea lady..he was already on his third brew.

It all went well, he watched a good movie, relaxed...then went for his radiotherapy. He made it sound like a chilled day out! I'm so proud of his positive attitude...he says he is not going to waste any time worrying or thinking too far ahead, one day at a time...Praise God.

My day was spent mostly avoiding the accounts I took time off to do. Paperwork has never been my forte, but somehow I have to find a years receipts etc to complete my end of year target to complete them at the end of every day only lasted two's gonna be a treacherous couple of weeks catching up now :(.

I guess if I waffle on I'm going to risk giving the wrong impression...but I do hope those of you who know me well...will be used to that...and can forgive any misunderstandings.

Hope you have all had a Blessed day, goodnight and God Bless.

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