Sunday, October 5, 2014

My diary 5/10/2014

Twenty years ago we cuddled and said hello and goodby to our son Benjamin James...his story on another blog 'Benjamin James direct to Heaven 4/10'...slightly confusing but I believe he died a day or to before he was direct to Heaven date, being different to his 'official birthday'.

Out of those darkest clouds we were soon Blessed with Joshua, who most definitely would not be here if Ben had arrived on his due date in November...and lived.

Trisomy 13 was a new discovery for us, but through Facebook and being affiliated with their Facebook page, I am more aware of just how many people are affected. I Praise God for Ben, for us not having to make any decisions, as we were unaware, to be able to hold him and say goodbye, to be even more grateful for our four healthy sons.

I often try and imagine what he would have been like, which one of the boys would he have most resembled...

My plan for addiction to prayer, following up from yesterday, has not been instant...I confess to a lazy day...I have been on Facebook, not quite as obsessed as I usually am though, to find out what all of my Facebook friends have been up to. Candy Crush - a new addition to time wasting beginning whilst with Tom and Jem at the hospital, was deleted but sadly reinstated...not a good idea....

I went to Mass last night which was lovely, a real reminder of how we should be...I love to be reminded....I came out all hopeful and prayerful that I will try harder to be as God wants me to be.
Philippians also fitted in perfectly with my nudge to pray more. Evidently The Lord has noticed my lack of communication...ouch. has mostly been a chilled day...I did organise Pete, Josh and Andrew to do a good deed whilst I watched...does that count?

I cooked a quick roast, cheating with the help of M and S...and started to write a follow up to the blog about Toms operation.

Quality time with the family is so lovely...listening to Josh honing his guitar skills, watching Francesca bathing her doll in the washing up bowl...Andrew making cookies...Pete limping into Costa coffee after a hockey injury yesterday...

I am impressed with myself that I didn't munch on a Yorkshire pudding or lick the cauliflower cheese tummy is no longer visible when I look down past my chest...yay...prob looking more like 5 months pregnant rather than 9 is encouraging to physically see a difference...still got a way to go if those 54 pounds to lose - are to be believed.

I reserve the thought that I need to retain some cuddliness as my duty to maybe half of that target is more appealing...and more attainable.

Relaxing writing this, the day is not yet's late but I really should do some washing...tidying...oh and yes...praying...def praying.

Hope you have all had a great weekend, and feel refreshed ready to face the week ahead.

God Bless.

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