Friday, October 3, 2014

Diary 3/10/2014

Today I had lots of free time...2 lessons cancelled..for good I cleaned my house from top to bottom, completed my annual accounts and went, that was in my dreams...I faffed around and ended up doing very little of any value.

I did finish the diary entry for yesterday. I didn't start the accounts, or the housework...but I did shop!

Life is too short to worry about what we did or did not do. I have seen too many lives shortened, so I am able to be content in enjoying the day...especially a chilled out day.

A dear friend had a lumpectomy for breast cancer, this morning and came home tonight - Praise God she feels ok and can now concentrate on recovering.

Sadly we just received a text notifying us of a friends sons funeral...he was only 46.

Tomorrow is never promised to us, so living in the moment, enjoying the day is so important.

I pray I grow old gracefully, relishing the bat wings and blemishes. I look forward to the future, an unknown in the knowledge that Love is unending...

It was Lovely to meet up with special friends later in the day. One of them bought a baby boy with them. Cuddling him made me broody for another be hinting to Tom and Jem.

I've really missed our son Tom, as he has started his new job this week. For the past year he was working with Pete from home...whilst waiting for his big brain operation. Thank God he has recovered in record time...and able to start his chosen career as an accountant.

Every cloud has a silver lining and Tom awaiting surgery and then him and Jem moving in to convalesce meant we had lots of quality time with them. I love having family around. If Tom had not needed surgery it is likely they would have stayed in Birmingham after they graduated and married.

I'm not glad our son needed that operation but I can rejoice in the silver linings created by the dark cloud.

You may be going through a worrying, anxious time. I pray you can trust in The Lord..knowing that His plans are to prosper you and not to harm give you a hope and a future...Jeremiah 29.11

Hallelujah to that!

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