Saturday, October 4, 2014

Diary 4/10/2014

Today would have been my nans is almost thirty years since she left us to be reunited with our grandad...yet there is not a day goes by that I don't have a thought about them, I still dream about them at least once a month.

Influencing my actions today, I am so grateful I knew them for 22/24 years. They built up my memory bank from the age of 2...throwing stones in the canal from my granddads upturned cap. To playing shops, singing 'we all live in a yellow caravan' whilst walking miles trying to find the elusive yellow caravan we were staying in.....feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square trips to Little Hampton...fried eggs with crinkle cut, deep fried chips in oil that was weeks/months old (awesome flavour) living with them, watching them madly in love, holding hands...old time dancing with friends, rows of nans shoes paired up on shelves in the cupboard...perfect for trying cabinet full of tiny ornaments including a white poodle (my favourite)....Boxing day tea, Christmas wrapping paper recycled year after year after year....packed away in an old brown special...rocking armchair covered in stretchy ready made covers...shed at the bottom of the neat garden, roses climbing up the fence...piggy back rides...train to Ryde, Isle of Wight...hugs, smiles,.laughter.....unconditional love...

Recently my brother, 3 years younger than me reminisced about grandad.."he made me feel like I was the most special person in the world".

"Sorry, Dave you've got that wrong...he made ME feel like the most special person in the world". I expect he made my sister and cousins feel the same way. What a gift.

It dawned on me recently that my Dave has inherited that special gift, making everyone he loves/ knows - feel like they, are the most special person in the world.

So long after he has gone to eternity, his influence deeply engraved on my heart, I try to imitate his ways, I dearly hope Francesca and any future grandchildren will remember all of their lives, long after I have gone, just how special they are.

Today we were making those memory deposits into Francesca, at 2 and 4 months, never too young to start. Spending time, enjoying a double decker bus ride to town, riding the escalators, me being too scared to go down the steep ones, so grandad had to come to the rescue...pushing buttons in agenda other than being together...awesome.

Happy birthday nan ...thank you for all those love deposits that I'm still drawing credit on all these years later, God Bless you x

I love the sky, there is never a day goes by when it does not inspire me. I look on it as God's artwork, a canvas He paints daily. Today driving Francesca back from Hungerford, her singing, smiling, and clapping to 'Wheels on the bus' cd...the skies were dark grey, it was raining heavily. In the distance a lighter grey,then over to the right a small hole with the sun breaking through giving a glimmer of light.

By this afternoon it was bright blue, not a cloud in the sky...returning from Mass, it was a faded blue blending beautifully to a mild yellow with orange hues as the sun was setting.

For me, It is such a brilliant representation of how our days may feel, dull, then someone smiles, a
glimmer of light, someone shows you love, the blue breaks are Blessed by someone..the sun rays shine through the clouds ...a reminder that Gods love is more evident when the skies are darker, like light shining from Heaven.

 Yep if ever I crash my will be because I'm mesmerised by the beauty of Gods handiwork...if you haven't looked up lately ..maybe start watching the ever changing unique skies above...just not
when you are driving lol.

Finally, I wish I was as addicted to prayer as I am to Facebook. If I spent those precious hours
praying 'on my knees'...I could bring so many and so much before Jesus. I often say I will pray for people, but seriously do not pray as often and as hard as they hope I do.

It is a great weakness of mine, mainly because if I sit and close my eyes I fall asleep...but also my mind is a whirling girlish most of the time...I can't keep focused on talking to Our my goal this week will be to 'Facebook' less and pray read His word, meditate on it and pray loads and loads and loads....because I have so much to pray for, to be thankful for, to lift people and their needs before Our loving Father in Heaven.

This may not be quite the success I'm hoping for...but I am going to try hard....

Really hard :)

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