Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Diary 1/10/2014

I surprised myself jumping out of bed after only 1 'snooze' alarm....motivated by the fact the only clothes that fit comfortably were still in the washing machine. As I transferred them to the tumble dryer, I came over all efficient and thought about getting up half hour early every day...I might even keep on top of the washing.

I used to be a little better before I worked full time. When I say a little better, our utility has always resembled the jumble sales I enjoyed as a youngster...somehow it seemed more fun grabbing through a mountain of clothes balanced precariously on a wallpaper trestle table...than on a work top in the utility room.

It doesn't hold the same excitement when in a rush, turning over and over the huge pile of assorted clothes in the faint hope the other green rugby sock will appear in the next ten seconds. (To avoid detention after school) This precarious pile doesn't quite hold together and spills onto the floor to be mingled with the overflowing dirty clothes escaping from the adjacent wash basket.

Scooping up what I hope is clean...continuing to pray for the elusive and much needed sock...I start to feel hot and frustrated...why oh why at 52 have I not conquered the art of 'wash, dry, iron and put away'.

So at 640am this morning I have an eureka moment...this is the new superwoman evolving ...just get up on first alarm ...I will keep you posted tomorrow if this does evoke a new regime...

Will the laundry bomb become extinct in our longer exploding over the whole house in various piles (folded and unfolded...some strewn) more giant tubs of odd mind is
full of the vision of neat underwear drawers...paired socks, clothes all neatly folded in the drawers,

ironing up to date...

I could even turn into my incredibly organised and energetic ironing machine of a mother in law...still totally on top of her housework/laundry at 80 years old.

I console myself  that I have been busy with more important things over the years...never quite sure what...but surely something was more important than laundry skills.

My ever patient and God given husband and fours sons grew up with this chaos...odd socks are the norm...they are just glad to find any that look fairly similar, are clean and fit.

My mother in law and sister in law are the most bothered and take it upon themselves to pair up a few hundred pairs when they visit...I think it's a love/hate task...the last time before my mother in law arrived I confess to pairing the tub of socks up and hiding the remainder in the wardrobe...I think she

Keeping those thoughts mulling over in my mind...I continue to be Mrs housewife and unload the dishwasher and make cups of tea for Pete, and Andy my fifteen year old as he was getting up for school. Pleased with my efforts and feeling 'in control'...I scratched my head and realised I had another little scab come back. It's tiny but I keep picking it and then it returns.

Obviously as I'm now running out of time due to new regime...I immediately attempt to photograph it on my phone ...then realising my failing eyesight won't focus on the small picture, I get my IPad out and twist and turn trying to get best angled shot.

As this is unsuccessful I then go into the bathroom where my bemused husband is sitting on the toilet and ask him to take a close up. He takes several for me to study close up, and reminds me of the time
as he knows the likely course of action..

So back in my bedroom with no time to spare, I google 'cancer scalp images' many sites to trawl through and yet none showing exact same image...this means a) I don't have cancer or b) the image must be on another web page.

The thing is, I am not afraid of death, a little concerned about how the journey will go, but I trust  that I do have a date for Heaven that The Lord knows...I don't need to will be whenever He deems it to be, and I trust in Him for that.

However I also believe it's our responsibility to be completely paranoid....which I was even before the discovery of our tainted gene pool...

I decide to book an appointment with my eternally patient doctor so hopefully he can confirm it is only dandruff in a lump, truly hoping it's not affiliated with head lice.

Doctors can be brilliant, others not so...I've been lucky over the years - to have had 2 long standing empathetic doctors. The last one, many years ago I convinced that I should have a scan for ovarian cancer...apparently there are no symptoms and as I wasn't getting any symptoms...

I truly dread them sitting me down one day and going through the multiple issues I've turned up with...the hours and money wasted....I tend to wait until I have a list then go...which possibly is the wrong thing to do - if you don't want to appear as the nutty hypochondriac.

I've since picked the scab and am happy to forget about it ...until a new one appears.

Today was an excellent day...a dear Muslim pupil passed her test...Hallelujah...such a great driver but nerves always prevented her from was her day...I'm not sure why I was crying with joy...I think I get too attached :)

My new coaching skills have not been that successful, they last all of 2 minutes until something goes astray like stalling in the middle of a usual I quickly restart car and guide them to time for them to 'figure' it out....just can't break the habit of interfering...will try harder tomorrow.

 It goes against the grain...the older I get the more I realise I AM a control freak.

Another successful 'no carbs' day...I do believe that's a whole week. Not sure why the scales are not rejoicing when I stand on body likes to hold onto the weight as long as it can...then hopefully one day I shall get on to discover I've lost a whole stone.

A relaxing evening, writing this when I should be addressing the fact my accounts need to be completed...those. Would be the accounts I haven't yet started. I dream of being a writer...maybe I won't need to do accounts then...

We are indeed fearfully and wonderfully made, Praise The Lord...All unique. 'With acceptance comes Peace' ...I pray today you will be comfortable being as God intended you to be...Amen!

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