Friday, October 3, 2014

Diary 2/10/2014

6.30 Alarm...snoozed every 10 mins...until 7.10 that new regime didn't quite get underway. No tidying early, so hurricane clean up after school run ready for visitors.

A dear friend and her grandson were coming round. This Involved a mad rush around with a flash spray and a kitchen roll before they arrived to make it look a little more presentable.

Her four year old grandson arrived bearing a gift of a beautiful white plant in a white looks very homely...really hope I can keep it going ....plants sadly wither and die if I look after them. Pete has more of a green fingered Gift - so I will put him in charge.

Pete  investigated the 'new'Atkins diet site....he kindly entered my details and it calculated my BMI...I am officially one off morbidly obese...I have 54 pounds to lose. This is not good news.

However I've managed to go another day without consuming any carbs...and resisted the  temptation to tip the small bowl of crunchie style chocolates, directly into my mouth, at the YMCA meeting.

It never fails to amaze me that I'm on the board of directors for our local see me and board meetings go together like a rebellious teenager and GCSE's ...only by God's Grace am I still there...well that and our awesome Chair person, along with the rest of the board.

God does know what He's doing even if we ourselves doubt His plans...when I prayed four years ago for The Lord to provide somewhere safe and alternative to the 'drug/alcohol' scene my then 15 year old was being drawn into - little did I know Jesus would say "yes, but you are going to help me".

Not sure how much help I actually am, but know in my heart I'm in the right place. Every time I
think, 'I'm done here'...our leader opens the meeting with yet another inspirational few verses from
The Bible...usually addressing my pre meditated excuses to be handing in my resignation.

Our Chairperson and I go back many first I was terrified of this 'austere' lady with a wealth of she chaired another charity back then. Over the years I have witnessed her starting up various charity's/ book shops...working tirelessly and humbly. A single lady, for 30 years or more a missionary in Africa ...she wears many hats and gets stuff done...without any big fuss...speaking 'His Word' she goes.

She regularly Blesses people as a lay reader on a Sunday. It has taken a few years and different charities for her to warm towards me...and accept my frivolous excitement. We have a trusting and strong bond now, united in Jesus Love...unshakeable, unmoveable.

I'm still just a tad scared, but in a lovely way that encourages me to get the job done. This lady is 80
years old and has spent her whole life serving God...yes she is on a pedestal in my heart, she deserves to be...soooo many have benefitted from her unselfish actions, most we will never know about, but God knows, God sees.

When we open our big central cafe for the youth of Newbury, realising the vision God, placed on our hearts...(in faith we know this is going to happen)....for me it will also serve as testimony to this Mighty Pilgrim, our faithful Chair person.

God has also provided many talented members, like human resources - this board member is a phenomenal hard working asset...covering the process of employing our new Youth worker...very exciting phase...along with our Treasurer, secretary, accountants....we are currently praying for experienced bid writers.

If you know any bid writers in the Newbury area, please give them a nudge.

I'm excited because I know The Lord will provide one at the right time as He has, every step of this journey. We have an Awesome God.

This is being published a day late as I fell asleep whilst typing this in bed last night...oops.

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